Copyright HiMY SYeD/photopia,

Copyright HiMY SYeD/photopia,


Two of my three kiddos are battling influenza type A, one with a bonus of strep throat and the other with the added joy of pink eye. Needless to say, my home is one giant petri dish at the moment. Strict routine hand-washing and disinfectant wipes are the norm today. It’s made for lots of lying around and cuddling, which means mommy can still be productive while catching up on the ole RSS reader. It made me happy in the midst of body fluids, whines, and supportive medication administration. Here’s a sampling of what I’ve read lately:

When Color Could Kill: Stories from the History of Paintfrom Houzz

Who is the Healthcare Consumer?from HealthWorks Collective

Linda Scheu and Angela Baldasare on Using Good Presentation Principles to Increase Potential Impactfrom AEA365

Ambiverts, Problem-Finders, and the Surprising Secrets of Selling Your Ideas, from Brain Pickings

Business Can’t Solve the World’s Problems – But Capitalism Canfrom Dan Pallotta at the Harvard Business Review Blog

Medical Consent App is a Great Idea but Raises Controversial Security Implicationsfrom iMedicalApps

Lessons from the Ordinaryfrom Intentional Leadership

Organizations that Can’t Fall…Die on Their Feetfrom Not Running A Hospital

How Healthy is Your City, State, or Country? 40 Web Apps and Infographics to Find Outfrom The Health Hut

Rio de Janeiro puts QR codes in its mosaic pavementsfrom So much SCIENCE!

Invasionfrom A Molecular Matter

A Look Into the Archives: Giant Sequoiafrom the American Museum of Natural History

How Our Brains Judge Risk and Effortfrom Neurotic Thought

21 Emotions for Which there are No English Wordsfrom PopSci via Radiolab

If you’re not following these blogs/sites, consider adding them to your RSS reader now. You just might need a plethora of reading material at the tips of your fingers.

What are you reading these days?