Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine is a lovely site publishing literary work pointed at health, wellness, illness, and care to “[foster] the humanistic practice of medicine.” Overwhelmed with healthcare poetry, Pulse paused on poetry submissions for some time. The time has come to submit your healthcare poems, though.

A single author can send up to three poems – each as separate attachments – to poetry@pulsevoices.org by November 13, 2013. Submissions are accepted from all. Editors will review the submissions and notify authors of acceptances or declines during December 2013 and January 2014. Accepted poems will appear in publication during 2014 and 2015. There are specific submission details that all interested authors should follow; please see Pulse’s submission guidelines for poetry (or haiku or prose or other categories) for additional information.

Will you submit a piece to Pulse? I hope so.