Abandoned hospitals creep me out. Closed units are eerie. Historical medical photos, which I actually enjoy looking at, give me odd chills. Combine the two – such as photos of abandoned mental hospitals – and I’m officially creeped out.

I’ve had my fair share of patients who’ve seen dead family members in their rooms immediately preceding death, and I have to admit I’ve seen several deaths in which the patients did “not go gently into that good night,” leaving me with feelings of uneasiness. A lot of nurse have frightening stories. There’s the tale of the call light that keeps going off – randomly – in the one room of the closed unit despite everyone’s best efforts to make sure it’s not functional. Then there’s the occasional request to see the nurse dresses in pressed whites, complete with nursing hat, who doesn’t exist but people swear she has visited their rooms. Or the nursery rocking chair that seems to move without an attendant when the nursery is empty. Or countless ghost stories associated with patients who were in certain locations or dressed a specific way at death. Or the Old South Pittsburgh Hospital, in Tennessee, which now serves as a Paranormal Research Facility due to it being a “hotspot for Paranormal Activity on a daily basis,” and is recognized as “one of the most haunted locations in Tennessee.” Eeeek!

Seriously, just reading the stories from the Top 10 Abandoned Hospitals is enough to make me want to immediately Google kittens, rainbows, and adorable, laughing children to clear the scary tales from memory.

Do you believe in ghosts? Do you have any creepy healthcare tales?


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