Last week my husband and I realized a dream. After nearly 13 years of marriage (and lots of saving and tough-love financial management), we purchased our first home. The past several days have been filled with trips to Home Depot, unpacking, waiting on service people to install this or that, trips to Home Depot, finding all the little neat stuff about our home, unpacking, mowing, discovering our running routes through the neighborhood, unpacking, decorating…ahhhh…home ownership.

I’m already an introvert and home-body, but seriously I don’t want to leave. Excuse my overt blogging absence recently. I promise I’ll get back into the swing of things. But for now, there’s a soon-to-be-oh-so-cute Goodwill bargain dresser begging for a coat of paint before finding its home in my daughters room. Then I just might plant myself in the front porch cedar rocking chair with an indulgent mason jar brimming with Southern sweet tea.

Dreams do come true.