Dear 16-Year Old Me,

Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re on the right track. You think you know exactly what you want, and you are well on your way to reaching those goals. Keep your mind open, though, to other possibilities. What you think you want isn’t always what you really want. Take time to learn what’s important to you. Keep those priorities in mind with every goal. Don’t worry about others who try to sway you from those priorities. Keep learning. Hold fast to what you know is True.

There are some tough moments ahead – both professionally and personally. You’ll make it through and use it to impact others. Times you think are insignificant now are actually shaping your thoughts and beliefs. Soak it up. All of it. People will doubt you, reject you, and overlook you because of your age. It will hurt, but I promise you’ll see one day those moments are “blessings” and directing your path to people, opportunities, and ideas that have been waiting for you. Hold fast to what you know is True.

Oh, and don’t buy into the hype. These aren’t the best days of your life. Not by any stretch of the imagination. You’ll soon touch your dreams and more than you’ve even wished. Hold fast to what you know is True.

Still a Work in Progress; Still Holding Fast,


An Older You