I like to maximize my time. I usually always have some reading material with me – journals, books, and of course, my iPhone resource library. Waiting for a personal appointment – read. Commercial during the rare television show viewing – read. A three-hour children’s birthday party – oh, you better believe I’m busting out the book or opening a useful app to knock out a project. Perhaps it is a product of my generational upbringing, or maybe it is simply a current societal norm. Likely both combined with my hit-or-miss type A personality.

This week, though, I have soaked up television premiers while snuggled up with my family. I have chauffeured and attended two kids’ birthday parties while enjoying the laughter and merriment. I have wasted – yes wasted – hours of time scrolling through Pinterest, pinning ideas I may never, ever complete. Yet, it all nourished my self. So, it may appear unproductive, but I think it was all very productive, contributing to a much happier me. I have always thought of “productivity” in regards to work and accomplishment; my view is changing.

Wishing you a productive week, Friends, whatever that looks like for you.