It’s over. I completed my first marathon Sunday, and yeah, it was pretty easy to decide it was going to be my last marathon, as well.

Twenty. Six. Point. Two. Very. Long. Miles.

I spent most of Sunday listening to music, looking at the vibrant San Antonio scenery, and oh yeah – running. Still, it was a special moment for me – completing something I never thought I would and pushing myself beyond pre-conceived limitations. Crossing the finish line was a surreal moment and now a cherished memory.

One piece of advice an Olympic runner gave a small crowd on Saturday was to “walk the water stations” at each mile. Honestly, 99.9% of us really aren’t running for professional reasons, and walking while drinking the water not only helps to get the water in your system (rather than all over you – albeit that was helpful, too, with the South Texas heat and humidity!), but it also gives your body short moments to recuperate. Ten to 20 seconds and the body feels recharged to give another burst of energy to likely carry you farther than if you had run through the water station.

It wasn’t hard to take her advice. I knew I’d be running a good portion of the day. Walking, hydration, and increased energy all sounded like good ideas. Turns out the three-time Olympian runner was right. Imagine that.

As I walked through the many water stations, counting down the miles, I thought about her advice in relation to life – how we need to slow down, get recharged, and then head into the next journey. So not only did I run a race this weekend, but I also “walked this water station” of a mini-getaway with my Love – sans children. Amazing how three days, when walked among the race of life, felt like a week or more. Good thing, too, I’m going to need that burst of energy to carry me on.

What about you? Be sure to “walk the water stations” along your hurried path, as well.