I’ve had a serious case of the I-Don’t-Wanna’s lately, specifically as it relates to physical activity. I trained hard for quite a while before my fourth half-marathon, and after I completed it, well, let’s just say I rationalized taking a break from exercise. Every day. For the past three weeks.

Yeah. Not the smartest thing to do. Nonetheless, it happened. Today is a new day, though, and I’m ridding myself of the diseased thinking, thanks to my husband, who is about seven percent body fat and ripped to the max. I’m a lucky girl. At least I thought so until he came to me yesterday and said, “Tomorrow you’re starting your training.” Excuse me?

Get ready to see some action, shoes.

Yep, my personal trainer in-training is creating a custom workout schedule for me to help realize one of my goals for the year – completing my first full marathon in November. Gulp. I have short runs, core strengthening, long runs, aerobic cross-training, and resistance routines in my future. All beginning today. Sigh. [Waves goodbye to the Sunday nap.]

Actually, I really am one lucky gal to have someone like my husband to keep me accountable. He helps me snap out of the I-Don’t-Wanna’s. Nurses, in general, have a major problem with the I-Don’t-Wanna’s, considering the majority of us are overweight or obese. We rationalize away the recommended daily physical activity guidelines. You might not have a marathon goal or a personal trainer spouse, but consider this your snap-out-of-it moment.

Today is a new day. Get moving.