It’s hard to believe one week ago today we were all welcoming the New Year. Or is it just me? Because New Year’s Day fell on a Sunday, most offices observed the holiday on Monday. Woohoo; no work!

Then came Tuesday through Friday. A menace. Five work days crammed into four. And boy didn’t we all feel it? I was surprised how productive I was on Tuesday. Perhaps everyone was still buried under a mountain of emails. I worked the week between Christmas and New Year’s, so it was nice to get a handle on the inbox for a change. I guess after the faux-Monday Tuesday, everyone was back in the routine on Wednesday because, boy, the week feverishly barreled to an end.

It’s all a blur now, though. A new week is upon us. It is filled with unimaginable promise and undiscovered challenges. I have spent the weekend resting. It has been divine, and I am looking forward to this week. I know I will succeed. I know I will fail. In due time. I will embrace each day, each moment, trying to remember there are many who are not given such days or moments.

I hope today brings you rest and rejuvenation to take on the week. Make the most of it!