I love writing. Every once in a while, though, I get a sinking feeling.

Why? Because people – including those I know in real life (gasp!) – actually read what I write. It might sound silly. What writer doesn’t want people to read the finished product and engage in meaningful discussion? Isn’t that the intent? Yes, it is; that doesn’t diminish the scariness, though. It’s easy to get sucked into the cathartic-writing-for-myself-only attitude while blogging. It’s easy to be vulnerable that way. Therein lies the problem, which Brene Brown argues is not a problem at all.

Whenever someone includes mention of a blog post in a face-to-face conversation, I always think, “Did I portray that correctly? Would I have said that the same way – out loud – to someone?” So far I have balanced the vulnerability and transparency, stretching my comfort levels. If that’s even possible.

We can chat more about it the next time we see each other.