I don’t think I realized how much I actually enjoy organizational behavior until today when I was thoroughly engaged in my job orientation. At one point while a manager discussed diversity programs, I saw heads nodding off while I was fully engaged – leaning forward, on the edge of my seat even. I know what you’re thinking. I laughed at myself even once I noticed. But, hearing how an organization of 12,000 people stays nimble and connected to its employees, implementing both “small” and “large” changes across the system…what can I say? I enjoy hearing about it.

After working in management for nearly five years now (but for a smaller organization), I appreciate change systems much more. Things that look easy aren’t always so. In fact, they are usually very complicated, having to be vetted with numerous stakeholder groups before going into effect.

Yes, my orientation was fascinating. My experiences and education framed it so. I can’t wait for the remainder of the week. I can’t wait to see what this organization brings to me and I to it.