When I first started blogging, I asked several nurse bloggers their secrets to success. How do you write great posts Every. Single. Day? I attended the 36th Annual ONS Congress in April and asked nurse authors and publishers a similar question.

The one thing they all told me? Just keep writing. Like anything else, writing is perfected in practice.

"laptop" by utnapistim via Flickr

I happen to already love writing. It is a reflective and creative outlet for me, but once you blog daily (sometimes more when writing for other blogs or future posts) as well as spend the majority of your day writing reports or grants or a bazillion well-crafted emails, writing may not be fun anymore.

I had to work through that. Honestly, it’s a process. Some days I cannot wait to write, and other days I nearly forget to write. Nearly. I am working on and through the same techniques for scholarly publishing. One writer’s blog – Cec Murphey’s Writer to Writer – has helped me tremendously.

I’ll keep writing. You do the same.