Giving is one of my favorite things to do. Anonymous giving is that much more of a thrill. I love it when people get anonymous gifts and ask me if I had anything to do with it. Many times I don’t, but it’s just so much fun to be asked. It’s part of the selfishly generous mystery.

Random acts of kindness sparkle in my holiday calendar. They are all small moments or things, in my opinion, but they are fun and often catch others by surprise. Sometimes they catch me by surprise, too.

Want to join me this week? Look for one opportunity to perform a random act of kindness. Maybe it’s bringing in a coffee or hot chocolate for the co-worker leaving your oncoming shift. Maybe it’s an overdue thank you letter, delivering warm cookies to a lonely patient from an “anonymous” baker, or taping a dollar to the vending machine with an “Enjoy the snack!” note.

C’mon! Join in the fun; leave your random act in the comments so we can share smiles!