In light of the recent worldwide news of Osama bin Laden’s death, I have spent much of today thinking and remembering.

I have friends who were forever impacted by the USS Cole attack, and as with many, the events of September 11th burned into my memory and onto my heart. My own brother entered the military shortly after 9/11, and I remember the anguish my family and I endured during his deployments as well as the relief upon his returning home. My best friend’s husband was deployed for his third, yes, third tour two weeks ago, and she faces raising their daughter alone for yet another year. What commitment.

Today I am thankful for our military service men and women both at home and abroad. I am thankful for their sacrifices and their families’ sacrifices to care for millions of people they have never met but to whom they are deeply connected. I am thankful for our leaders – no matter their political background – for making difficult decisions based on the information others have worked hard to gather and verify. I am thankful for the billions of people who make our world better. I am thankful.