Sometimes I am amazed at how excited I get over certain items or processes within my profession. It’s a running joke in my office. (Yes, I’m looking at you, Mister “Yea! The banker’s boxes are in!”)

While I practiced in the clinical setting, these were just a few of my favorite things:

  • My never-fail, always have to have on my person hemostats
  • Pre-printed physician order forms requiring only check boxes and an MD signature
  • A rolling “med cart” stocked with various needles, syringes, 4×4’s, and alcohol swabs
  • Even though I initially dreaded it, working on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day
  • Rainy days
  • GI doc orders “Enemas until clear starting at 8AM” (when I worked night shift)
  • GI doc orders “Enemas until clear starting at 6AM” (when I worked day shift)

My nursing practice area and setting has changed over the last few years, but there are still idiosyncrasies I <3 that make me laugh once I think about them. For example:

  • A completed logic model
  • Evaluation data identifying a knowledge gap (that CNE is later based upon)
  • The little, sticky “Sign Here”  tabs
  • Reading the most recent issues of Harvard Business Review, FastCompany, or Wired
  • Tuesdays (Not quite sure why…maybe because I’ve already made it past Monday and the initial email inbox shock?)
  • Hearing my former nursing instructors ask me to call them by their first name now that we’re colleagues
  • A new yearly portable calendar (Not everything has to be electronic, people!)

Whatever your nursing role/practice, what are a few of your favorite things you never could have imagined would have ever excited you but do?