Posts tagged with: young adult

In Memoriam: Lindsey Miller, from ‘i am a liver’

On May 21, 2014, the world lost a light and beautiful writer, Lindsey Miller; she was 28. While I never met Lindsey in person, I found her blog, i am a liver, early on in her pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer journey. As... Read More

$1 Million An Hour Spent to Recruit New Smokers

According to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Big Tobacco spends $1 million per hour (PER HOUR!!) marketing their products. That’s $10 billion – billion, with a “B” – to get people, including 1.4 million kids, to try their first cigarette... Read More

Single Jingles: Helping Guys Man Up & Check’Em

I’ve known about Single Jingles: A Testicular Cancer Foundation for about five or six months now, but I really got to know the organization recently as they helped me and my colleagues provide some much needed resources for a patient.... Read More

Ethan From-Survivor-Africa

Ethan Zohn, winner of Survivor Africa and co-founder of Grassroot Soccer, spoke at the annual LIVESTRONG Young Adult Alliance (LSYAA) Meeting today in Austin, Texas. The LSYAA coordinates initiatives and improves survival rates and quality of life for young adults,... Read More