Posts tagged with: volunteer

Voluminous Volunteer Thanks

This is National Volunteer Appreciation Week. What. A. Week! I’ve previously expressed what an amazingly untapped volunteer resource nursing is in general, but this week I haven’t focused on nursing volunteers; I’ve had my eyes and thoughts fixed on all... Read More

My Mind As A Map: Navigation for One

Here’s the last half of my week as a “mind map.” I thought this post would be easy; after seeing the map, though, it is one of the most intimate views of my life I’ve shared on Nursetopia to date.... Read More

NHS3 Wants You

Want to join a special group of 230,000 nurses impacting the lives of women everywhere since 1970? Sign up for the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS). Researchers need 100,000 female nurses and student nurses ages 20-46 years old from the U.S.... Read More

‘Tis the Season for Randomness

Giving is one of my favorite things to do. Anonymous giving is that much more of a thrill. I love it when people get anonymous gifts and ask me if I had anything to do with it. Many times I... Read More

Thankful for Blood Donors

Day 9: I am really thankful for blood donors. They save lives without ever meeting their donation recipients. It takes time and effort (and courage) to donate blood. Thank you!... Read More

Coffee + Cervical Cancer Screening = Volunteerism

Looking for a way to give back and see the world at the same time? You need to volunteer for my friends at Grounds for Health, a global nonprofit bringing women’s health to coffee-growing communities in Mexico, Tanzania, and Nicaragua.... Read More

I Saw the Sign

As I ran the Dallas Rock and Roll Half-Marathon Sunday, complete strangers lined the race course to give high fives, cheer, and hold signs of encouragement. I loved it all, and it was a great help! Here are some of... Read More

Nurses Rock Volunteerism

Nurses are amazing volunteers. Working in the nonprofit sector, I have the privilege of working with many nurse volunteers. I’ve said it before – I don’t think nonprofits (health care or otherwise) capitalize on nurse volunteers or the professional skills... Read More

The Stairs of Doom!

Take a deep breath. Go on. [Deep breath in through the nose…1, 2, 3, 4, 5…deep breath out through the mouth…6, 7, 8, 9, 10.] Hopefully you inhaled wonderful, smoke-free air. Some of you may not have been fortunate to do so.... Read More

Great December Reads

I’ve spent the past two glorious weeks with my amazing family. A good amount of time was devoted to reading and taking control of my Google Reader. It’s been wonderful. I thought I’d share an eclectic blend of some of... Read More