Posts tagged with: veterans

22 Veterans Commit Suicide Everyday: Unacceptable and Changeable

I’m pretty keen on statistics. Writing, speaking, and leading – I can drop some numbers on you in no time. The statistics shared through the Thunder Road film, though, stopped me in my tracks. My dad is a veteran. Several... Read More

Nurses & Pearl Harbor

My heart was racing, the telephone was ringing, the chief nurse, Gertrude Arnest, was saying, “Girls, get into your uniforms at once, This is the real thing!”* Today marks 69 years since the attack on Pearl Harbor. Nurses were instrumental... Read More

Thank You, Veterans

Thank you. For training for me. For leaving your family for me. For risking your life for me. For defending my freedoms. For defending the freedoms of others. For serving our Country. Thank you.... Read More