Posts tagged with: running

Running is Fun. I Can’t Feel My Legs. You Should Try It.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I remembered this video. I woke up at dark o’thirty, put on my already laid out workout clothes, and went for a quick six-mile run. Yep. This video is so true. Runners, you will particularly... Read More

Signs Of A Good Race

I’ve mentioned before how much I love seeing all the handmade encouragement signs along race routes. It’s really nice that absolute strangers come out to cheer everyone on in their run. Okay, maybe not everyone is a complete stranger to... Read More

Hometown Run Makes the Journey Special

Sunday I competed in my fourth half-marathon – the LIVESTRONG Austin Half-Marathon. I still can’t believe that’s right – four half-marathons? I’ve come a long way, Baby. I set a new personal record, which was seven minutes faster than my... Read More

Not Just Another Run

I am running as this post is published. Today is my fourth half-marathon. This race is different. It is my first race in my hometown – beautiful Austin, Texas, which, if you didn’t know, has killer hills throughout historic downtown.... Read More

I Could Not Stop Running

Sunday I completed the San Antonio Rock & Roll half-marathon –  my third half-marathon – with a personal best time. It is mighty slow in comparison to many runners, but it was a big goal for me, and I am... Read More

Look Up

Remember to look up at the stars, and not down at your feet. ~Stephen Hawking In nursing and healthcare, we always tell patients to “look up” when ambulating. Why? Safety. You don’t want to bump into anything and your body... Read More