Posts tagged with: public servants


I remember.           I remember. 09.11.2001.             09.11.2001 Four planes.          Four planes. 2,977 victims.       2,977 victims. I remember.          I remember.... Read More

Disparities Exist in Laws Protecting Nurses from Assaults at the Workplace

According to the International Council of Nurses, nurses are more likely assaulted at work than prison guards or police officers. In Texas, assaults on healthcare personnel and first responders have two levels of criminal punishment. Assault a police officer or... Read More

The Death of A Public Servant: In Memoriam of Senior Police Officer Jaime Padron

Nurses, police officers, fire fighters, paramedics, teachers – we’re all connected. We devote our lives to the public, complete strangers. We vow to protect and serve them. The thin blue line of police service is much different from nursing, I... Read More

The Right Thing To Do

It’s easy to look back at moments in history and think, “How could they let that happen?” Now is one of those times our children will look back on, as well. If you haven’t seen this video, please watch it.... Read More

Relaxation Turned Evacuation

My family and I evacuated our home this evening due to a large fire in our community. We determined what was important in about five seconds. We left before the evacuations became mandatory, and thankfully so. With only two exits... Read More