Posts tagged with: patient satisfaction

From Creative Sleep to Uncourteous Doctors In Training: A Nursetopia Reading & Education Mashup [Part 17]

Admittedly, my extra reading has been limited recently due to other priorities. That’s okay, I’ve still caught bits and pieces of some really great stuff lately such as: The Art of “Creative Sleep”: Stephen King on Writing and Wakeful Dreaming by... Read More

What Health Care Needs to Learn from Other Industries [Infographic]

With all the “latest and greatest” in health care today, the industry stands to learn a lot from other areas of business. Here’s what the Institute of Medicine recommends.... Read More

Do Patients “Like” Good Care?: Measuring Hospital Quality Via Facebook

The Article: Timian, A., Rupcic, S., Kachnowski, S., & Luisi, P. (2013). Do patients “like” good care?: Measuring hospital quality via Facebook. American Journal of Medical Quality. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/1062860612474839 Big Idea: This first-of-its-kind exploratory study uses multivariate regressions, adjusting for numerous factors, to research... Read More