Posts tagged with: Obesity

Why Aren’t We Focusing on Nurses’ Physical Health More?

Today’s #HAWMC writing prompt inquires why I write about my health. I do write about my health – specifically my journey towards a healthy BMI. My physical activity and nutrition are night and day difference from nearly two years ago.... Read More

Web-Based Program Helps Nurses Track and Change Health Behaviors

The Nurse Oncology Education Program, or NOEP, is helping one of the unhealthiest populations in the U.S. – nurses – track and change seven cancer-related health behaviors: fruit and vegetable consumption, red meat consumption, tobacco use, sugary-beverage consumption, screen time,... Read More

Working Towards Health: One Year Later and Enduring Onward

Today is a milestone for me. I have been working toward health for exactly one year today. For the most part that has meant losing weight. As I continued on my health journey, I found that I was not alone.... Read More

Rocked A Personal Goal: Part 2

  I never thought I would ever run a half-marathon, but I did. Sunday I ran my second half-marathon. Okay, “run” is used loosely. I ended up walking quite a bit, which I am chalking up to my oh-so-recent kidney... Read More

Musings of Management & Maintenance

I learned in nursing school that nursing management and nursing leadership are not the same. Indeed, they are not. I have the opportunity – yes, opportunity – to work in both roles in my current position. I must say, I... Read More

I Hope I Am the One & You Are the Two

While reading through The New Your Times Picture Your Life After Cancer site, I came upon Tyler’s picture and post. Tyler points out that, according to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will... Read More

Rocked a Personal Goal

Sunday, November 14, 2010, marked a significant day for me. I attained a personal goal of mine. I completed my very first half-marathon. It was an amazing experience, completing the 13.1 miles with some family members and watching my husband... Read More

Food Insecure States

Have you ever worried about from where your next meal was coming? As a child, I remember a handful of those moments – seeing the concern in my parents’ faces. Now, as an adult knowing how much they earned, I’m... Read More

Update: From Obese to Overweight

I’ve had my struggles with weight loss. This time, though, I’m taking control. I’m thrilled to report I’m down 40 pounds, which moves me from the BMI obese category and well into the overweight category. Normally, the label “overweight” would... Read More

Food that Doesn’t Biodegrade Isn’t Really Food

This is gross. A New York City photographer and artist has kept (and photographed) a McDonald’s Happy Meal since April 2010. It has remained relatively unchanged over the past six months, and she has the pics to prove it. Little... Read More