Posts tagged with: navigation

Preventing Avoidable Rehospitalizations by Understanding the Characteristics of “Frequent Fliers”

The Article: Mulder, B.J., Tzeng, H., & Vecchioni, N.D. (2012). Preventing avoidable rehospitalizations by understanding the characteristics of “frequent fliers”. Journal of Nursing Quality Care, 27(1): 77-82. Big Idea: The researchers reviewed the charts of 22 Michigan patients labeled as... Read More

Metrics for Evaluating Patient Navigation During Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Article: Guadagnolo, B.A., Dohan, D, & Raich, P. (2011). Metrics for evaluating patient navigation during cancer diagnosis and treatment: Crafting a policy-relevant research agenda for patient navigation in cancer care. Cancer, 117(S15): 3563-3572. Big Idea: The American Cancer Society convened a... Read More

Patient Navigation: An Update on the State of the Science

  The Article: Paskett, E., Harrop, P., & Wells, K. (2011). Patient navigation: An update on the state of the science. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 61(4): 237-249. Big Idea: Patient navigation has been around for over 20 years... Read More

AONN Conference Poster Love

The Academy of Oncology Nurse Navigators (AONN) 2nd Annual Navigation & Survivorship Conference was held in San Antonio, Texas, September 16-18, 2011. This was the first time AONN included posters from nurse navigators throughout the U.S. One of my favorite... Read More