Posts tagged with: leadership


Chew, Chew, Swallow. Quickly.

“Eat the frog” is a metaphor indicating you should do the worst thing of the day first. That way your day can only get better. Brian Tracy even has a book, Eat That Frog, all about how to stop procrastinating... Read More

Metrics for Evaluating Patient Navigation During Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Article: Guadagnolo, B.A., Dohan, D, & Raich, P. (2011). Metrics for evaluating patient navigation during cancer diagnosis and treatment: Crafting a policy-relevant research agenda for patient navigation in cancer care. Cancer, 117(S15): 3563-3572. Big Idea: The American Cancer Society convened a... Read More

Nurse to Lead Medicare? Yes, Please.

Last week the White House announced Marilyn Tavenner, MHA, BSN, RN, as the new nominee to lead the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), replacing Don Berwick, MD, MPP, FRCP, who was never confirmed as the Administrator yet helped... Read More

Would You Like A Nursing Student?

Would I? You bet! Can I? Can I!? Undergrad. Graduate student. Doesn’t matter! I enjoy having nursing students with me. Well, most of the time. There is that occasional student that thinks she knows everything already, isn’t interested in soaking... Read More

Seeds, Roots, Blossoms, Weeds (Part 2 of 2)

For the many teachers and mentors in my life: As the cycle goes, I realize I have dropped a few seeds of my own – each with a bit of you in them. I laugh because they have no idea.... Read More

Seeds, Roots, Blossoms, Weeds (Part 1 of 2)

For the many teachers and mentors in my life: I had no idea you planted something inside me. I thought you were simply sharing the fragrance of your passion with me. Little did I know you dropped a seed at... Read More

The You-Shaped Gap

Beware the gaps. They are all around us. Some people are oblivious to the gaps; however, most people see them, pointing them out others. Only a small percentage of people, though, actually stop, identify the gap, and fill it. Those... Read More

Shared Governance and Empowerment in Registered Nurses Working in a Hospital Setting

Be still my heart! Nursing Center is featuring Nursing Administration Quarterly this month. That means the current issue is F.R.E.E. until September 1, 2011. Head over and grab the entire journal now. You know you’re going to need something from... Read More

I’ve Tasted Shared Governance, and It is Good.

I have never worked in an organization with a shared governance structure. Similarly to others, I have had a difficult time explaining the concept to others because it was only a theory to me. I had never seen it in... Read More