Posts tagged with: inspiration

Recent Reads and Views: From Modern Art to Exotic Cars to the Thunderbox

People often ask, “How do you get your inspiration? How can you find stuff to write about every day?” Well, I read a lot (both related and unrelated to nursing), and I keep my eyes and mind open to the... Read More

The Inspiration Around You

A “simple” question for today. I have nothing to “share;” rather, I want to learn from you. Where do you get your inspiration for doing what you do? What makes you think, create, inquire, and spur you into action?  ... Read More


A reminder for the week and for the rest of life.                           Download this reminder.... Read More

Be You

It is easy to look at a leader or colleague and think, “Wow, I’d really like to be like her/him.” I have had my fair share of those thoughts, and sometimes I still do. When I start to think that... Read More

A Nurse’s LIVESTRONG Day Tribute

My tribute this LIVESTRONG Day. (If you’re not wearing yellow today, you might want to change.)... Read More

No Excuses

I recently learned about Jamie Schanbaum through a colleague. And not through just any colleague, through one of those colleagues that leaves me inspired and challenged every time I am around him. So I am passing the inspiration and challenge... Read More