Posts tagged with: homeless

Family Homelessness Viewed Through the Lens of Health and Human Rights

Article: Lee, R. (2012). Family homelessness viewed through the lens of health and human rights. Advances in Nursing Science, 35(2): E47-E59. The Big Idea: This ethnographic study focuses on the viewpoints of health, human rights, and dignity as perceived by... Read More

Time and Distance

During my impromptu lunch with Larry* – a homeless man who is no longer a stranger to me – he asked, “So, do you live nearby?” No, I actually live about 25 minutes away. He chuckled. “25 minutes, huh? 25... Read More

Quiche, Crosswords, Revolution, and Homelessness

I sat down at a communal table of one of my favorite eateries. He folded his paper down a bit and mentioned how great my lunch looked. It was over the top good – a warm slice of ham and... Read More

Where Did You Sleep Last Night? Homeless Male Adolescents: Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Heterosexual Compared

This is part 13 of the Nursing Research Challenge. The Article: Hein, L. (2010). Where did you sleep last night? Homeless male adolescents: Gay, bisexual, transgender and heterosexual compared. Southern Online Nursing Journal of Research, 10(1). Accessed at The... Read More

Suicide Turned Negligence: Stereotypes, Death, & Court

I cannot shake a recent article from my thoughts. Daniel Iverson, a homeless man and frequent visitor to the ER, enters and tells the triage nurse he hates his life and he’s ingested a fatal amount of morphine. She does her... Read More

Covering the Cold

It is just now getting really cold in Austin, Texas, and by “really cold,” I mean our daily highs are in the mid-60’s and our lows hover right around freezing. I can hear your chuckles. Still, it’s cold for us;... Read More

Thank You, VA Nurses

On my way into work this morning, a man stood near the intersection. His sign read: “Veteran. Homeless. Anything will help.” After reading Same Kind of Different as Me a few years ago and volunteering with Mobile Loaves & Fishes,... Read More