Posts tagged with: generations

From Plucking Images Out of Your Dreams to Pretending You Have Cancer: A Nursetopia Reading and Education Mashup [Part 7]

So a smidgen of my reading for the week included: A Texas Senate Bill Would Revise the State’s End-of-Life Procedure by The New York Times via The Texas Tribune Pretending that You Have Cancer – It Never Really Ends Well by Slate... Read More

Nurses Rock Volunteerism

Nurses are amazing volunteers. Working in the nonprofit sector, I have the privilege of working with many nurse volunteers. I’ve said it before – I don’t think nonprofits (health care or otherwise) capitalize on nurse volunteers or the professional skills... Read More

Where Are The Nurse Leaders?

Where are they online? Yes, there are plenty of nurse leaders online, but where are those whose titles ring of nursing leadership? Where are the executive vice presidents, the chief nursing officers, the directors of nursing, the department managers? Where... Read More

Dr. King & A Charge Nurse

Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. In 1954, Brown vs. the Board of Education desegregated public education in the United... Read More

Accessibility versus Availability

Need to get in touch with me? Pretty easy to do. You can call my cell or work phone. (I haven’t had a home phone in four years.) You can text me, too. You could email me at work or... Read More

Consider Me Your “Nursing Student Expelled for FB Placenta Photo” Aggregator

The story of four nursing students expelled from Johnson County Community College for taking pictures with a human placenta (without any patient identifiers) is, by all standards, viral in the media and nursing blogosphere. I am truly sorry for the... Read More