Posts tagged with: end of life care

Remembering Most People Have Never Seen Someone Die

Death is understandable for me. I have seen its changing routine over and over again. The different sights, sounds, and smells indicate the timely progression of a tired body letting go. I have walked this worn path alongside many families,... Read More

As I Lay Dying, Please Do Not Put A Robot Presence Beside Me

Artist and designer Dan Chen is questioning “robotic intimacy technology” at one of the most vulnerable moments within the lifespan – the end of life. Chen’s “Last Moment Robot” is a functional machine, and is currently strictly art designed to... Read More

Advanced Care Planning: How Does Current Practice Compare with Best Practice?

The Article: van der Spek, E. (2011). Advanced care planning: How does current practice compare with best practice? PACEsetterS, 8(3): 34-39. Big Idea: This study examined the advanced care planning (ACP) within one Australian Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF), which... Read More

The Poetry, Truth of End-of-Life

Tic. Toc. Tic. Toc. The clock ticks for all of us. Don’t fear it. Hearing it is a gift. This TEDMED 2010 performance about end-of-life discussions and decisions (or lack thereof) is sure to make you think. It’s entertaining. It’s... Read More

Consider the Conversation

Advanced care planning is all-too-often overlooked by healthcare professionals and our society in general. Check out this great video about what many people want their death to be like. I wonder how many of them will have their wishes as... Read More