Posts tagged with: efficiency

Chew, Chew, Swallow. Quickly.

“Eat the frog” is a metaphor indicating you should do the worst thing of the day first. That way your day can only get better. Brian Tracy even has a book, Eat That Frog, all about how to stop procrastinating... Read More

Using Evernote to Write Scholarly Articles (Or Anything Else)

I have used Evernote for a while now to help me collect ideas and thoughts for a few writing projects, including daily blog posts. It’s the “new” file drawer or folder. It has easy categorization options, lets me email and... Read More

Violence Against Nurses and its Impact on Stress and Productivity

The Article: Gates, D., Gillespie, G., & Succop, P. (2011). Violence against nurses and its impact on stress and productivity. Nursing Economic$, 29(2): 59-66. Big Idea: Emergency room nurses routinely face workplace violence from patients and their visitors. This cross-sectional... Read More

Long on To-Do’s

Yes, I am a “list person.” I have a long to-do list both personally and professionally. I find great satisfaction and accomplishment from eagerly crossing off items from the list. Any time I have a spare moment, I think about... Read More

Lean Tools and Concepts Reduce Waste, Improve Efficiency

This is part 11 of the Nursing Research Challenge. The following article is not a nursing research article, but rather a case report and serves as valuable nursing evidence. The Article: Korner, K., Hartman, N., Agee, A., & McNally, M. (2011).... Read More

Managing Health Care Decisions and Improvement Through Simulation Modeling

This is part eight of the Nursing Research Challenge. (C’mon, join in the nursing research reading and sharing!) This is the “Nursing” Research Challenge, so I am keen on using articles from only nurse scientists, but I couldn’t resist this... Read More