Posts tagged with: death

Missing [Original Poetry]

A catch in his voice. A tremble of his chin. He shuffles, shuffles trying to redirect his attention.   Weeks of pain – eternity encompassed in minutes.   He clears his throat. A handkerchief catches a lone tear. He grasps... Read More

Cremation and Sugar: Death Cafes Stir Discussion

Austin, Texas, will soon be home to one of the newest Death Cafes in the world. That’s right – Death Cafe. To get a better understanding of the concept and purpose (and Austin details), check out my recent article, Dying,... Read More

Remembering Most People Have Never Seen Someone Die

Death is understandable for me. I have seen its changing routine over and over again. The different sights, sounds, and smells indicate the timely progression of a tired body letting go. I have walked this worn path alongside many families,... Read More


I was reminded again this week… Life is fragile. Here and gone. It is so precious, yet we often treat it with disregard. We witness its delicate power at birth, death, and a few moments in between. My hope for... Read More

Cancer Steals Yet Another: RIP Steve Jobs

The world lost a visionary today. Steve Jobs, co-founder and former CEO of Apple, died today; he was 56. Although no details about his cause of death have been released, Jobs endured a long battle with pancreatic cancer, one of... Read More

Health Care Professionals’ Death Attitudes, Experiences, and Advance Directive Communication Behavior

The Article: Black, K. (2007). Health care professionals’ death attitudes, experiences, and advance directive communication behavior. Death Studies, 31: 563-572. Big Idea: Healthcare professionals have been required to inquire about advance directive creation of all adults since the passage of... Read More

The Torture of Health Care

Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional. ~Unknown   This video is one of 50 in an excellent series – Life Before Death. Use the free videos. Use them to educate other healthcare professionals about pain and palliative care. Use them... Read More

The Poetry, Truth of End-of-Life

Tic. Toc. Tic. Toc. The clock ticks for all of us. Don’t fear it. Hearing it is a gift. This TEDMED 2010 performance about end-of-life discussions and decisions (or lack thereof) is sure to make you think. It’s entertaining. It’s... Read More

Consider the Conversation

Advanced care planning is all-too-often overlooked by healthcare professionals and our society in general. Check out this great video about what many people want their death to be like. I wonder how many of them will have their wishes as... Read More