Posts tagged with: creativity

Go Mo-Mo-Movember Pinterest Board

In one way or another, I am always raising awareness of cancer. As much as I love my job as an oncology nurse leader, I would love for there to be no need for my services. Events are popping up left and... Read More

From Studying ‘Virtual Afterlives’ to the Workings of Creative Companies: A Nursetopia Reading & Education Mashup [Part 26]

Just like I do with hardcopy journals and books, I tend to save up articles in my email box until I get time to binge-read. Here’s some of what I’ve been reading that I’ve saved for a while. There’s some... Read More

Thinking Through My Leadership Manifesto

I have the privilege of learning alongside some amazing nurses. Recently we briefly talked about how what we believe influences our leadership styles and, thus, everything we do. So, it’s important to really know what it is you believe in.... Read More

From Crazy Creative Inspiration to Texting to Fight Drug Abuse: A Nursetopia Reading & Education Mashup [Part 21]

I’ve been catching material whenever I get a spare moment here and there. Here’s a few bite-sized chunks of what I’ve been reading lately. Patients’ Costs Skyrocket; Specialists’ Incomes Soar by The New York Times 28 Inspirational Reminders for Crazy Creative... Read More

From Doctors Unsure of Medical Devise Costs to Your Responsibility to Prevent Your Own Burnout: A Nursetopia Reading & Education Mashup [Part 20]

Sundays are lovely days. They “refill my tank” in many ways – spiritually, emotionally, and physically. I seem to “catch up” on a lot of things on Sundays, with reading being one of those. If you’re looking for some interesting... Read More

From Big Data, MD, to Our Lie About Loving Creativity: A Nursetopia Reading & Education Mashup [Part 18]

To be entirely honest, the only thing my eyes have been looking at in my off-time lately has been the back of my eyelids. And it’s been awesome….exactly what I’ve needed. That, along with some guilty-pleasure television (The Sing Off, anyone??)... Read More

MakerNurse: Elevating and Accelerating the Ingenuity of Nurses

How many times have I preached my sermon about the innovation of nurses and how we’re the best innovators in the world? Many, many times. Because. It’s. True. Nurses are constantly working around broken, inefficient processes and systems. We come... Read More

Film Features Real Nurses and Their Stories

I love seeing real nurses in pictures and films. I’ve had enough of the well-groomed-young-nurse-hugging-my-clipboard photos. Show me some real nurses. Here’s a few projects that do just that: Joy Williams, RN, from Massachusetts General Hospital, discusses her work and love for... Read More

From Printed Ears for Transplant to Failing ACOs: A Nursetopia Reading and Education Mashup [Part II]

I’m always doing a lot of formal research reading, but here’s a sample of my more informal reading this week. 14 Things You Should Do on Your Lunch Break Every Day by Forbes Your Innovation Problem is Really a Leadership Problem by InnoBlog... Read More