Posts tagged with: chronic disease

Food, Memories, Health

Most things in my life circle back to nursing or health. It’s my passion, so it’s a natural circle. I’ve discovered I can cook. Maybe it’s the decade of Food Network I watched purely for entertainment or that I’ve been... Read More

A Patient with Asthma Seeks Medical Advice in 1828, 1928, and 2012

The Article: von Mutius, E. and Drazen, J. (2012). A patient with asthma seeks medical advice in 1828, 1928, and 2012. The New England Journal of Medicine, 366: 827-834. Big Idea: One thing is for sure – change is constant,... Read More

Young? Female? Stressed.

Younger Americans – those between the ages of 18 to 34 – are more stressed than any other age group, according to a new Polaris Marketing Research study. In addition, a new American Psychological Association study, Stress in America, explains... Read More

Global Non-Communicable Disease Management: Underfunded & Overlooked

Heart disease, cancer, asthma – they all impact people worldwide. Yet, when thinking about global health, we often think of communicable diseases – AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. Paul Farmer, MD, PhD, co-founder of Partners in Health talks more about reframing... Read More

The Stairs of Doom!

Take a deep breath. Go on. [Deep breath in through the nose…1, 2, 3, 4, 5…deep breath out through the mouth…6, 7, 8, 9, 10.] Hopefully you inhaled wonderful, smoke-free air. Some of you may not have been fortunate to do so.... Read More