Posts tagged with: awareness

Go Mo-Mo-Movember Pinterest Board

In one way or another, I am always raising awareness of cancer. As much as I love my job as an oncology nurse leader, I would love for there to be no need for my services. Events are popping up left and... Read More

A Ball Dropped: Testicular Cancer Survivors Speak Out in A New Film

I’m an oncology nurse. I’m passionate about many things – including cancer survivorship. I’m pretty vocal about testicular cancer. Why? It’s simple – I have many males in my life that I hold dear. I bet you do, too – no matter... Read More

Are You Perpetuating Cancer Myths?

Today is the Union for International Cancer Control‘s (IUCC) World Cancer Day. A lot of myths surround cancer. As healthcare professionals, it is our duty to help dispel these myths. Often, though, we are part of the perpetual myth-movement, standing... Read More

Free Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Class to Bolster Your Practice [Resource]

I am privileged to co-present Adolescent & Young Adult Issues, a LIVESTRONG Community Education Class, on Thursday, October 25, 2012, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM CDT. I am passionate about adolescent and young adult (AYA) oncology issues as this population – those... Read More

‘Cancer in Hispanics/Latinos’ Receives Nursing Education Attention

The Hispanic/Latino population is the fastest growing population in the U.S. The group, which actually consists of many sub-populations, has a common set of physical, emotional, and practical concerns related to cancer and healthcare that all nurses (and really all healthcare... Read More

$1 Million An Hour Spent to Recruit New Smokers

According to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Big Tobacco spends $1 million per hour (PER HOUR!!) marketing their products. That’s $10 billion – billion, with a “B” – to get people, including 1.4 million kids, to try their first cigarette... Read More

Free Colorectal Cancer CNE, Unrelated Career Advice, and Self-Care

I’ve exercised my writing muscles lately. You can find my work and words in a few other places currently: If you’re in need of some continuing nursing education credits or want to learn more about colorectal cancer, check out the... Read More

A Lovely Month for Men to Learn A Pattern of Self-Exam Love

I’ve mentioned this already; it’s worth another mention. Men, especially those between ages 15 to 34, need to check their testicles once a month for any abnormalities – a lump, swelling, or pain. These symptoms can occur with numerous conditions... Read More