Posts tagged with: Austin

LIVESTRONG Matters to Healthcare Professionals and Our Patients

Living in Austin, Texas, global headquarters for LIVESTRONG, and working in the oncology care community, the recent events surrounding Lance Armstrong is big news. I honestly have not thought a lot about the controversy since news broke, but a 12-mile... Read More

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks [Audio Book Review]

I keep a list of books to read. It grows and grows; I tackle it in spurts. I have wanted to read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks ever since it debuted in 2010. I have lived in Austin for... Read More

The Death of A Public Servant: In Memoriam of Senior Police Officer Jaime Padron

Nurses, police officers, fire fighters, paramedics, teachers – we’re all connected. We devote our lives to the public, complete strangers. We vow to protect and serve them. The thin blue line of police service is much different from nursing, I... Read More

Recent Reads and Views: From Modern Art to Exotic Cars to the Thunderbox

People often ask, “How do you get your inspiration? How can you find stuff to write about every day?” Well, I read a lot (both related and unrelated to nursing), and I keep my eyes and mind open to the... Read More

Returning to Normal When Others Are Not

My family and I returned back to our community early this afternoon. After unpacking the evacuation luggage, picking up the house cleaning where I so suddenly stopped Sunday, and emptying out the fridge and freezer per CDC and Red Cross... Read More

Thoughts During Fire Evacuation

[Puts the phone down after hearing we need to evacuate due to a large wildfire nearby.] Oh my gosh. We seriously need to evacuate. Kids! We need to leave the house because there is a fire close by. We’re going... Read More

Relaxation Turned Evacuation

My family and I evacuated our home this evening due to a large fire in our community. We determined what was important in about five seconds. We left before the evacuations became mandatory, and thankfully so. With only two exits... Read More

The Stairs of Doom!

Take a deep breath. Go on. [Deep breath in through the nose…1, 2, 3, 4, 5…deep breath out through the mouth…6, 7, 8, 9, 10.] Hopefully you inhaled wonderful, smoke-free air. Some of you may not have been fortunate to do so.... Read More