Posts tagged with: ArticleAWeek


Using SMS Technology for Collaborative Patient Mood Charting

This article is more of an informative product article rather than a research article, but it was fascinating to me; I thought you would enjoy it, as well. (Full disclosure: I have no financial or relationship interests pertaining to this... Read More

Identifying Primary Concerns in Patients Newly Diagnosed with Lung Cancer

The Article: Lehto, R. (2011). Identifying primary concerns in patients newly diagnosed with lung cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 38(4): 440-447. Big Idea: This exploratory study used the conceptual content cognitive map (3CM) to examine the concerns of patients diagnosed with... Read More

Psychosocial Implications of Living 5 Years or More Following A Cancer Diagnosis

The Article: Foster, C., Wright, D., Hill, H., Hopkinson, J., & Roffe, L. (2009). Psychosocial implications of living 5 years or more following a cancer diagnosis: A systematic review of the research evidence. European Journal of Cancer Care, 18: 223-247.... Read More

Advanced Care Planning: How Does Current Practice Compare with Best Practice?

The Article: van der Spek, E. (2011). Advanced care planning: How does current practice compare with best practice? PACEsetterS, 8(3): 34-39. Big Idea: This study examined the advanced care planning (ACP) within one Australian Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF), which... Read More

Oncology Nurse Navigator: Ensuring Safe Passage

The Article: Case, M.B. (2011). Oncology nurse navigator: Ensuring safe passage. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 15(1): 33-40. Big Idea: This integrative review of 18 primary nursing research studies – 13 of which focused on breast cancer – identified nurse... Read More

Nursing Workload Measurement in Ambulatory Care

The Article: Dickson, K., Cramer, A., & Peckham, C. (2010). Nursing workload measurement in ambulatory care. Nursing Economics, 28(1): 37-43. Big Idea: Acute care nursing has a well-documented history of measuring patient acuity and workload to adjust staffing mix. However,... Read More

Health Care Professionals’ Death Attitudes, Experiences, and Advance Directive Communication Behavior

The Article: Black, K. (2007). Health care professionals’ death attitudes, experiences, and advance directive communication behavior. Death Studies, 31: 563-572. Big Idea: Healthcare professionals have been required to inquire about advance directive creation of all adults since the passage of... Read More

Area-Level Poverty Is Associated with Greater Risk of Ambulatory-Care-Sensitive Hospitalizations in Older Breast Cancer Survivors

The Article: Schootman, M., Jeffe, D., Lian, M., Deshpande, A., Gillanders, W., Aft, R., & Sumner, W. (2008). Area-Level poverty is associated with greater risk of ambulatory-care-sensitive hospitalizations in older breast cancer survivors. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 56:... Read More

Shared Governance and Empowerment in Registered Nurses Working in a Hospital Setting

Be still my heart! Nursing Center is featuring Nursing Administration Quarterly this month. That means the current issue is F.R.E.E. until September 1, 2011. Head over and grab the entire journal now. You know you’re going to need something from... Read More

Systematic Review of Educational Interventions for Improving Advance Directive Completion

The Article: Durbin, C., Fish, A., Bachman, J., & Smith, K. (2010). Systematic review of educational interventions for improving advance directive completion. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 42(3): 234-231. Big Idea: Pay attention. This is a systematic review – the mother-load... Read More