In the 30 seconds it takes for you to read this post, it will have claimed 135 lives.

Think a communicable disease is the number one killer globally? Think again. Cancer kills more people annually than HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. Globally, one in six will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. 70% of the expected 7 million worldwide cancer deaths this year will occur in developing countries, and only 5% of global cancer control resources are spent in these countries.

Seven million people. That’s the entire population of Switzerland. And it’s unacceptable.

Today is World Cancer Day

The main culprits? Tobacco, viruses (HIV, Hepatitis B and C, H. Pylori, and HPV), poverty, and diet. And I would argue, lack of involvement – our involvement. We can prevent cancer. We can detect cancer early. We can treat cancer. We can survive cancer and make life for survivors great. We must.

One of the easiest ways you can help raise awareness and make a difference this World Cancer Day is to read and sign the World Cancer Declaration which will be presented to leaders and governments at the first UN Summit for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD’s) in September 2011. This inaugural UN Summit will be a game-changer, and your signature will make an impact.