She Walks in Beauty: A Woman’s Journey Through Poems is a collection of poems, both modern and classic, curated by Caroline Kennedy. The poems focus on broad themes of womanhood. Some of the poems I knew, and it was nice to remember them. They made me think of my amazing high school English, theater, and art teachers, all phenomenal women who instilled in me a love of literature and the art of writing. Many of the poems, though, were new to me, and I loved hearing them for the first time. They made me think. They made me angry. They made me laugh. They made me cry. All are signs of great writing.

20121006-202105.jpgSome of my favorites among the six hours, five discs, of works include “Father Grumble,” “Variation on the Word Sleep” by Margaret Atwood, “The Good Wife” (a.k.a Proverbs 31:10-31) by King Lemuel, “Socks” by Sharon Olds, “Lumpectomy Eve” by Lucille Clifton (love her work!), “Chocolate” by Rita Dove, “May Today There Be Peace Within” by Saint Therese of Lisieux,  and “6 A.M. Thoughts” by Dick Davis.

It is a lovely collection and sure to make you think or stir your own creative flow.