A mentor once told me told me to make one goal every year so big it scares me. It has been a good practice for me, stretching me to reach higher and think beyond my usual resources.

However, to date all of my annual BHAGs have been professional in nature – present here, write there, take the organization to the moon and back…you get the idea.

Now I have a personal (non-nursing related) goal – a business idea actually – that is boring a hole through my brain. I think about it every day. Every. Day. Oh, yeah – and it scares me to death. I’ve only shared the idea with my husband, who whole-heartedly and biasedly loves it. At times I think, I can totally do this. Other times I think, There’s no way I can pull this off. Well, we shall see because I’m totally going for it next year. Now, I just need some venture capital or an angel investor. Seriously. Business plan development here I come!

Are any of your goals scaring you? If not, you might be aiming too low.