I just returned from the Academy of Oncology Nurse Navigator’s 2nd Annual Navigation & Survivorship Conference. Two and a half days of presentations, business cards, posters, networking sessions, impromptu brainstorms, and inspiration. It was wonderful, and I walked away with a long list of action items and questions to take back to my organization.

Now, as Sunday winds down, my brain is shutting down, fogging my thoughts. I usually utilize Sunday afternoons and evenings to mentally prepare for the week ahead. Not tonight. I will listen to my body. “Rest,” it says.”

I am chomping at the bit, so to speak, to get back in the office and implement ideas and the best practices shared. However, tonight I will do as many speakers suggested and care for myself. I will eat a relaxing meal with my family, enjoy a long shower, climb into bed, and fall asleep knowing all is waiting for me tomorrow.

I will be ready for tomorrow. You do the same. Take care, Friends. Take care. Tomorrow needs you – all of you.