I hope you have a leader around you that leads by example – letting his or her light shine brightly, encouraging you to do the same. If you do, congratulations. You are likely part of a “bright spot” in the workplace, understanding your value and bringing further value to your work site.

People gravitate towards bright spots. They also pull toward others that amplify their own lights.

If you are one of the many who are working in the shadows, beneath a manager or leader who reserves the light for himself or herself, leaving all others in the dreary clouds, know that you can change your environment. You can be the leading bright spot. In actuality, one of three things will happen. (1) You will shine and realize the environment is not meant for you, leaving it for another environment. (2) You will spark a change, causing others to shine brightly, as well, completely altering the environment as a change agent. Or (3) You will shine and someone will remove you from that environment because you “don’t fit” or “aren’t part of the team.”

You have permission to shine. The choice is yours.