Nurses are present in every community, in virtually every setting. We’re everywhere.

Naturally, nurses are some of the most altruistic people on the planet. You have to admit it takes a certain personality (and dare I say it – calling – even) to care for hundreds of complete strangers throughout the year.

Even when nurses aren’t caring for others professionally, they’re often caring for others personally – in their churches, with their favorite nonprofits, during times of crisis. About 80% of the nurses I know volunteer in several capacities. (I counted five organizations I personally volunteer with; it seems like my list grows annually.)

It’s our instinct to help.

According to the ANA, there are 3.1 million Registered Nurses in the U.S. (According to NFLPN, there are an additional one million Licensed Practical and Vocational Nurses in the U.S.) All of that knowledge. All of that expertise. All of that passion. Poured into our communities via volunteerism.

For perspective: If only 50% of only RNs volunteered with one organization for five hours each month, at a meager rate of $25/hour, that’s $187.5 Million of in-kind donations! Cha-Ching!

So, nurses, where do you volunteer? How many organizations do you volunteer with? Tell me about them and why you love volunteering with them. If you’re a nonprofit person, are you tapping into the nursing expertise in your community? If not, what’s the barrier? If so, how are you reaching and utilizing nurses?