Okay, so “nurse” really isn’t a color, but if it was, I imagine it would be an iridescent blue-purple-ish hue with flecks of green and yellow swirls.

Last night during RN Chat, @NurseEducator ended the conversation with a final thought to the students participating in the discussion:

” Parting thoughts: You are the future of nursing. You will laugh, cry, and see life differently as a RN… This is a noble profession.”

It struck me. Because she’s right. Nursing is a noble profession, and it frames a lot of our references, ideas, and biases. It’s hard to see life without the nurse-colored glasses. For me, every time I pass a hospital, I always think about the nurses inside. Is it a good day? Is it crazy busy? How are the new nurses doing? Has the CNO talked to other nurses today? What does the leadership and management team do to keep their nurses from burning out? The list goes on and on. This is just one example. I can’t help it.

If you’re a nurse, I bet you’re similar. How has your view of the world changed since donning your nurse-colored glasses?