Leadership is a tremendous privilege offering a unique perspective. During a critical moment this week, the seconds felt like warp speed, and yet it also felt like some of the longest minutes of my year, sludging across time. In that moment, I was never more proud of the multidisciplinary healthcare team and never more keenly aware of the safety and care nurses routinely provide for patients and visitors.

Nurses are continuously beside people otherwise known as strangers. We give our days, nights, weekends, and holidays to anticipate and remove issues before they even happen. And when the random, unthinkable (to some) occurs, we do anything and everything in our power to protect the lives entrusted to us. Our expertise is highly under-recognized yet always expected.

Nursing care is anything but random. Even when unplanned, it’s systematic. Because nursing is a profession, complete with a code of ethics and a vast, growing body of knowledge. Florence Nightingale called it a “noble profession.”

She may have been on to something.

Happy Nurses Week to all those who provide order to the random and make the routine look easy. I and the rest of the world celebrate you!