I love Nike shoes and clothing. I do. There’s one thing Nike doesn’t make, though, that I wish they did – scrubs. Literally millions of healthcare professionals wear Nike shoes and other acceptable clothing to work, running up and down hallways and stairs and even climbing over items at times. Yes, healthcare professionals are athletes, too, in many senses of the word. There’s something to be said for remaining at top, live-saving performance 12 hours straight, so I think there is a natural marketing link there.

Nike is an innovative company, creating clothes and shoes to fit exactly what individuals need and want. I especially think Nike’s Dri-Fit® fabrics are perfect for the healthcare environment, wicking away moisture – whether it is your own or from others or the environment. Not only that, but the fabric is comfortable while still looking crisp. I’ve worn one-too-many wrinkled, scratchy scrub sets. In addition, Nike’s clean style speaks for itself. (Teddy bears and kittens, be gone!) I have felt strongly about this idea for almost two years now, and I just shared it with a colleague about a month ago. After I saw the nursing connection to the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team uniforms – which might not have been the best press for the team, it just seems even more of a fit.

Nike, you should make scrubs. Seriously.