I liken the blogosphere to a “blob.” A lot of people are afraid to start reading blogs because they think it will overtake them – they have issues with unread posts. Honestly, I did, too, at first; then I realized I control the flow of blogs just like I do with all social media, reading, and pretty much every other media outlet.

It’s not uncommon for my RSS reader to have hundreds of posts waiting for me to read. I can’t help it; I love a lot of blogs. I may let posts “pile” up, but it sure does make for some goooood reading time. So, as I wait for all my batch cooking to finish up for the night and my house is filled with the delectable aromas of simmering taco soup, cooling oatmeal muffins, and bubbling homemade apple butter (oh, yes, I did!) – here’s what I’m perusing:

Kim, at Emergiblog, is heading back to her roots and finding her voice while simultaneously cursing the thorn in her side at the moment – a step into electronic charting – and waxing nostalgic for paper charting. Boy, haven’t we all been there? Oh, if not…you will be, don’t worry.

Hugh McLeod, at gapingvoid, has a new cartoon that makes me smile. It’s so true…we need more love in business…including the business of healthcare! It’s why I wrote about love in management recently. *Sings “All You Need is Love…”*

The Nerdy Nurse has a pretty cool giveaway going on right now, you should definitely head over there and enter. You have a few more hours to get in on the goods.

Impacted Nurse is discussing verbal abuse as a result of a recently published Journal of Advanced Nursing article. The title will surely get your attention.

East Coast Creative has a super cute DIY idea. I can absolutely see this in my home, and I’m honestly considering it for my entire team…who says Valentine’s Day at work can’t be fu-uhn?! Not this manager.

Austin Kleon reminds people of the hazard of hanging out with writers. Truth.

So much good stuff to read and look at…ahhh…makes for a lovely time anytime. What are you reading? Viewing? Listening to? I’m always up for suggestions.