A new study by Auerbach, Buerhaus, and Staiger (2011) reveals the cohort of nurses ages 23 to 26 entering the profession grew by 62% between 2002 to 2009, which was larger than the growth originally anticipated. A large proportion of these nurses are part of the Millennial Generation, or Gen Y’ers. It’s a good thing, too, since the average age of U.S. RNs has climbed steadily over the past two decades, with nurses in their 50’s representing nearly 25% of the current RN population. (Auerbach, Buerhaus, and Staiger brought us those stats, too, in 2009.)

I am actually part of this nursing cohort. Likely somewhere around 75% of my graduating class is, too. What about you? Did you graduate between 2002-2009 as a 23 to 26 year old?

Hopefully we will remain in the profession. That’s a whole other story, right?