With a young family – an infant and two in school this year for the very first time – someone is always sick. We’ve made six trips to the pediatrician in the last five weeks. Fun stuff. I chose to get a non-clinical graduate nursing degree, but times like this make me think I should have done otherwise. I have an otoscope, but I can’t really do anything besides call the doctor if I know my kids have ear infections. And, of course, we have to go in to get a prescription. Often times I find myself wanting random supplies like rapid strep tests. Boy, those would be handy.

Until I decide to go back for another graduate nursing degree (read: never), we’ll just have to continue our hand washing, vitamins, healthy eating, and avoidance of sick people until immune systems are full-throttle. I must say, it is super sweet to hear my 4 and 5-year olds say, “You’re a nurse, Mommy? You make it better?” It does make me smile. *sigh*