I never thought about it until something I helped innovate was copied. It was an odd feeling. Still is. Intrigue, anger, confusion, jealousy, smugness, concern, passion – I felt all of these.

My team and I worked hard to innovate a niche product. I found out a few weeks ago another company was working on something very similar. I wish someone had prepared me for this experience. It’s not something anyone really talks about when they discuss “innovation.” But it happens. It is the natural cycle of a product. The innovator creates, everyone learns from the innovator’s mistakes, and then everyone copies the innovation trying to make it “bigger and better.” The more I think about this situation, the more I think about a past read, Different.

After my initial shock, I was actually humbled to hear an organization much bigger than my own team was eyeing our work. I am confident my team will continue to innovate. They’re just that good. (That’s not me being prideful. That’s the truth I’ve come to know well.) And more companies will notice our work and want to use a concept for their own. I need to become more comfortable with this thought, thus the reason I am blogging about it.

Has anyone else experienced this? How do you handle it – a brief thought of it and then carry on with the work or cause?