Becca Babcock.

You may not know her. You may have never heard her name. I first learned of Becca from a friend and founder of Voices of Survivors, Lynn Lane. I was looking for a young adult’s cancer story I could share during a collaborative presentation with LIVESTRONG about adolescent and young adult cancer at an Oncology Nursing Society Congress. Lynn’s site – Voices of Survivors – gives survivors the opportunity to share their stories in various formats, and Becca was one of the video “conversations” that delved into intimate views of cancer survivorship.

Lynn pointed me to her story. I cried as I watched and listened. I was amazed hearing how a pre-operative nurse’s assessment skills changed Becca’s life, leading to her stage III hereditary colon cancer diagnosis at age 25. Yes, 25.

Graciously, Becca let the Nurse Oncology Education Program and LIVESTRONG share her story at the ONS Congress and then again at the American College Health Association‘s national conference. She helped change the way many healthcare professionals, including myself, think about cancer in people ages 15 to 39.

I learned yesterday, from Lynn, that Becca passed away. You may not have ever heard of her – before now. It’s just one more way her life continues to make a difference. I will remember her. Listen to her conversation* – her voice – and I promise you, you will remember her, as well. I hope you see her in the faces of future patients. I hope you will help make a difference in the lives of adolescents and young adults impacted by cancer.

*Once you click on this page, scroll to the left to find Becca’s “Conversations” video; it’s the third video from the end. She is wearing a blue shirt.