
Amazing how quickly trinkets gather significance.

Yesterday was one of those days in nursing that will stick with me forever.

Our patient holiday party was winding down. We’d all had our fill of good food and great music. After all, Austin is the Live Music Capital of the World. The crowd was thinning. A woman approached me, handed me a small gift that fit in the palm of my hand; I wrapped my fingers around it.

My brother, Mr. M, has been in radiation a while, and is having difficulty remembering. He cannot remember your name, and is a bit embarrassed, but he wanted you to have this.

I looked his direction with a smile. He waved eagerly. I did the same. He was embarrassed because he couldn’t remember my name? Well, I couldn’t remember his name. I had maybe two interactions with him, and I searched my brain trying to think if I even helped him with anything or simply made small talk while he waited for treatment.

She said they were leaving, so I followed her back to their table, giving a big hug to Mr. M once we arrived. Radiation was taking a toll on him, but he focused on bringing smiles to others. He did so for me. We wished each other a happy holiday, the woman’s smile seemed to say, “I hope so,” and she mouthed the words “thank you” as they walked out the door.

After cleaning and cleaning and cleaning, I remembered the small gift tucked deep in my purse. I dug it out, tearing through the paper like a child. Glitter went everywhere as I pulled out a small snowflake ornament. It made me smile again.

I placed it on my tree as I reflected on the humbling day. It was humbling for so many reasons, many I will keep for myself. The snowflake reminds me as I think of others – and even when I do not – they are thinking of me. My actions, whether I know it or not, may leave a lasting impression on another, who just may be going through a difficult time. This snowflake ornament will remain on my tree for years to come. I will see Mr. M’s face every time I look at it. No doubt I will remember his name for quite some time.